Piece of Shit

I am sick of this culture. Everything. When exactly have we turned into an industrial products? I am sick of rules, life styles, social media, news, awareness, tolerance, intolerance, hate speech, love speech, empathy, work… I am sick of all these feelings. Why do we have to know everything, why do we need to care…


Let’s make a fantasy. We think that we are so civilized and technologically advanced. Our first civilization is from approximately 8000 BC and only last 100 years we are making significant progress. Now we think that we know a lot. Our technology allows us to observe very tiny creatures that we didn’t know 100 years…

2020, Corona and Humanity

2020 has begun devastatingly fast. Iran-American Crisis, Australian Bushfire, earthquakes, flooding, volcano eruption, bloody protests in HongKong, new refugee crisis and finally COVID-19. There is one thing in common with this crisis which is that all affect whole world somehow but COVID.19 affects more directly. Therefore we will talk about it in the rest of…

You are the PROBLEM!

When we are not pleased with our lives, the easiest way to justify it is to complain about environment and blame every external things. It might be true that some external effect prevents us to make it better then you need to change it. First of all, look at yourself. internet It is usually easy…

Happiness is Bullshit

Many times I heard the phrase ‘I want to be happy’ and always I found it stupid to say because happiness it is not something you can buy or have. It is just passing moment. More you seek for it, more you feel down. This is not also a new question that we are looking…

Podcasting- Why I start and what I am learning?

Last week I have started podcasting. This is a journal for me and a big challenge in terms of communication, publicity and language skills. It can be seen as a facing and fighting with my insecurities. Thanks to friend that courage me a lot and I said why not. Let’s try. I am done with…

More than 24 hours

I know there are many posts about this but i wanted to add one more. At least more beneficial than all our rubbish we produce in day. Time to time, we all think that 24 hours is not enough for a day. We have many plans, many wishes but they don’t fit in one day…