More than 24 hours

I know there are many posts about this but i wanted to add one more. At least more beneficial than all our rubbish we produce in day.

Time to time, we all think that 24 hours is not enough for a day. We have many plans, many wishes but they don’t fit in one day at all. Then make better plans! Just kidding, first we have to change ourselves.

Many people spends hours on way, most of the day is wasted by our jobs and we come back to home. Surprise!!! No desire and energy left even for eating. Then we open social media and wonder how people can do hell a lot of things in one day while we are almost dead on couch. Yes, they are not going to couch directly but how? we never understand this until we have to do some tasks. Well, even that time we have no idea. We just forget what we have just achieved if there is no big award or appreciation. This is just like taking good selfie, kids.

Alright, let’s be honest and see how much free time in a day? Well you say, it is free time and i enjoy doing nothing. then don’t waste your time by reading this. Bye. For who are still with me:

You are working averagely 8 hours in a day. 2 hours on the way.. This is averagely worst case scenario. Then you sleep 8 hours. I can hear you math genius! 6 hours left. Let’s spread extra working hours and other wasted times to the weekends.. Still you have 6 hours per day which means 84 days completely free. Yes, normally 84 days even enough for travelling around world.

But… why?.. why? … why i have no time for anything?

Because I am lazy. Just you do, i have great procrastination skills, stalking on social media, slide lock without any purpose and exaggerate every task that i have to do. Yes, I guess you also say sometimes as i do. ‘I was with friend and we spent 2–3 hours more than we planned’. Not one day.. almost everyday. why? Because we have no priorities. We have never thought about it and we don’t know what is next. We have dreams but no steps. Bad news!! This is not carpe diem..Carpe diem is spending certain amount time with %100 focus and no distraction.

Let’s go back to priorities. Just because we don’t consider what priorities are, we are wasting time with doing ‘nothing’. When we do ‘something’, they are done with %100 in efficiency because multi tasking. However, we could do the opposite.

To learn new thing, gain a new skill, new habit or chasing our dreams even 15 minutes is enough if you have consistent. This 15 minutes makes 3.5 days in a year which you never spend that much time otherwise.(when you complain about ‘no time’) Progress is progress and 15 minutes is better than nothing and we are talking 6 fuckin’ hours!! It sounds like a lot of time now, right?

Well, how can we use this 6 hours efficiently? Especially while we were wasting it like 10 minutes in rest of our lives?

There are different methods. You can find online all. First thing i can recommend is ‘THINK ABOUT TOMORROW!”

Yes, think about what you will do tomorrow, order them before sleep. Think about what you will wear, what you will eat, where you will eat. Make a to do list. So, you won’t spend your day aimless and won’t lose time with ‘what to do now’


Drink water as soon as you wake up. It will activate your brain and digestive system. then “MAKE YOUR BED!” as admiral William McRaven says. ‘if you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.

In army, i saw how beneficial it is. You really feel the fresh start of day.


Even for 5 minutes, exercise will keep your body awake. To prepare your body to day, do push-ups and crunches. If you have more time, do yoga. My recommendation is challenges on . Exercise will improve your confidence and will to start the day.

After you feel ready for day, grab a cup of coffee and start second part of routines. Reading book for 10–30 min., meditation and checking to do list. All these routines will open your mind, prepare your brain for tasks so that there won’t be multi tabs like on browser. See even computers are not good multi tasks. Their processor says enough and heat up after some amount of tabs and tasks… Same for your brain. Even i you are not aware, it gets tired of thinking of unnecessary tasks like dishes, what to eat, what to wear, when to clean, where to take your gf, how to surprise your wife or make your children happy. Don’t waste your time with this in day. Better before bed or after sex.

AMERICA FIRST.. sorry, it was different and not fashion anymore…”DO THE WORST TASK AT FIRST”

Yes, try to get rid of the worst tasks, hardest tasks or the ones you have no desire at first. Like eating worst food on plate at first. Thus, good taste will remain in the end.

This will increase your motivation everyday. You will have more energy.


Dream is important for achievement but to achieve, split it to small pieces and don’t make long plans. Order your priorities and go step by step. To be Jimmy Hendrix, you need to buy guitar first. Even to be like Trump, you need long process. So, keep your plans short but as you do daily plans, don’t forget to arrange your week. Like what to eat, what to do, what to wear, when you will do tiny little annoying tasks. At least a draft that you can fulfill %80.

Short plans will increase your passion and consistency. Long plans are the ones you get bored quick.

Well, we have finally some routine but i still have no motivation to act.

First of all, i should say that it is normal. If you can achieve %60 of your plans, you are already progressing %200 more than before. However, you can still use some methods to increase efficiency. After some search and try, these 6 methods were the best for me.

  1. 2 minute rule

Just like hitting on a girl. If you want to talk, do it asap. Otherwise, you will be weirdo who is stalking for minutes and your courage will be disappeared and lost.

Same for daily boring tasks. Washing dishes, hanging clothes, tidying your room.. When you think about it , just go and do it and try to finish in 2 minutes. Otherwise, you will be bored, your courage will be gone and lost. Tomorrow more clothes, more dishes..

2. Pomodora

One of the most popular method. Focus 25 minutes and work without any distraction, then make 5 minutes break. Repeat this over and over again. Every 5 time make 20 minutes break.

3. Richard Branson

This is the easiest method. MOVE YOUR ASS AND DO EXERCISE!

Because the best way to relax your busy mind is getting physically tired.

4. Eisenhower Method

Former US President, Eisenhower’s method.

If it is important and urgent, do it now. If not important but urgent, delegate it. There are always someone to do that. If important but not urgent, spare a time for it. Otherwise, FUCK IT!

Ozetle, acil onemli bir is ise, hemen yapiyor; onemsizse baska birisine yaptiriyor. Acil degilse, takvim atiyor. Acil degil ve onemsizse yapmiyor.

5. Seinfeld Method

This is how Jerry Seinfeld writes his jokes. Prepare a day calendar and put it somewhere you see everyday or post on your wall.(real wall and real calendar) Better to prepare it by yourself. Whatever you want to do, try to do it everyday and Never break the chain. When you are done with that day, cross it on calendar.

6.Frog Rule

I don’t know why it is frog but basically it is like this: The Worst is FIRST!


Warren Buffet’s advice:

Write down 25 thing you want to. Better to make it short term goal.

Hightlight the most important 5 goals. Then add them to LIST A.

Rest will LIST B. You will never open LIST B without finish tasks on A. It can be also beneficial to shorten list B and remove unnecessary goals.


My advice:

Make a list with all negative things on your life. Write down everything decreases your motivation, every person who demotivate you about a goal or absorb your energy, all bad habits…then FUCK THEM ALL!

Don’t waste your time with negative people, negative moments, especially what you cannot change.

With what you can change, just cut it, stop it, remove them from your life.

If you are efficient enough or track yourself continously, you will see that there is time for everything!

Extra Credits:

Write down all by hand on a paper. Write down also how you feel before, after and during progress. Writing classically creates good connections in brain and it helps to think clear and track yourself. Manual actions increase mapping capacity of your mind and neurons.

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